- Szczegóły
- Fadia Khatib, Ibrahim Qassem High School, Tira, and Esty Zemler, Ort Ramat Yossef, Bat-Yam, CoL teachers in Israel
The IRRESISTIBLE team from Israel had the honor to participate in the closing exhibition of the IRRESISTIBLE Project in Kiel. Our team included the four of us, Israeli high school chemistry teachers, along with two science educators from the Weizmann Institute of Science (Figure 1).
Czytaj więcej: learning from others in the IRRESISTIBLE project
- Szczegóły
- Esty Zemler, Ort Ramat Yossef, Bat-Yam, and Fadia Khatib, Ibrahim Qassem High School, Tira, CoL teachers in Israel
The Israeli IRRESISTIBLE team was honored to present its exhibition during the final IRRESISTIBLE meeting in Kiel (See above article for details about this exhibition.).
Czytaj więcej: visitor-watching at the Israeli IRRESISTIBLE exhibition
- Szczegóły
- a CoL teacher in Netherland
At the end of September, 42 teachers, 54 school pupils and 45 members of university and science centre staff from 10 European countries met in Kiel, Germany for the final conference of the European IRRESISTIBLE project.
- Szczegóły
- Jolanda van Duyvenbode (biology teacher, Lindecollege, Wolvega)
Almost three years ago, Else Henneke and me, Jolanda van Duyvenbode, started working in the IRRESISTIBLE-project. Together with the University of Groningen, we developed the (now quite popular) teaching module “Carbohydrates in Breast Milk”.
Czytaj więcej: final conference of the IRRESISTIBLE-project in Kiel
- Szczegóły
- Antti Laherto, University of Helsinki
The European Union encourages science education to orient towards the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), i.e. socially and ethically sensitive and inclusive processes of science and technology. RRI is a major cross-cutting issue of the Horizon 2020 programme and a key concept in calls related to science education. Through a number of EU-funded initiatives such as IRRESISTIBLE, RRI is likely to have a substantial influence in teacher professional development and school science across Europe.
Czytaj więcej: responsible research and innovation as an element in nature of science teaching